Our Visitors...
thousands of people come every year to visit WLS and see the home of Prairie Farmer.
4-H Club boys and girls on trips to Chicago have made it a favorite point in their
tours. Groups of farm women have been entertained here, and all have been made
welcome, even though the studio has been crowded full. |
the right: Miss Viola Mach of South Dakota, national style queen of the 4-H Clubs,
visited WLS on her way to Washington, D. C., and to Europe.
The largest crowd
we ever had at once was this bunch (on the left) from Ohio, 615 of them. The cornstalk
studio was packed full, with just room for the announcer, and it certainly sounded
great when they sang one of the 4-H club songs. |
You who are regular
listeners to WLS will understand the family feeling between us and our listeners.
We like our friends and are glad to have them call. |
On the right:
More than 500 4-H Club boys and girls from Eastern Ohio, and several hundred others
from Indiana and Michigan, were visitors at WLS during the summer and fall. |
Last summer Harry
Hosford, the Town Crier, held a birthday party, and the crowd of cheering women
shown at the left included part of those who attended. Harry is in the middle. |
or suggestions? click
here to send them to Rich Samuels
Created by
Rich Samuels (e-mail to rich@richsamuels.com)