You hear a wide
variety of music over WLS, from the golden harp, the chimes, the orchestra, pipe
organ, and a dozen kinds of instruments that never had a name. Some folks like
the fiddles, some like the drums, and as we read your letters from day to day,
we try to build the kind of programs you like best. Some of our music is very
unusual, such as you seldom hear anywhere else.
Cecil and Esther Ward...
For several years
you have heard Cecil and Esther on the Hawaiian guitars.
They are husband and wife, and they have a little Ward at home.
They always light up the place with a bright smile when they are on the program.
Princess Tsianina...
Here is the charming
princess of the Cherokees, who has entertained you with song and legend of the
American Indian.
You might not recognize the name from the way it is spelled, but the pronunciation
is "Chi-ni-na," and it means "wildflower."
The princess is always a welcome guest at WLS.
You have known
Grace for a long time, too.
She sings sometimes with a rhythm that makes you want to snap your fingers and
tap your feet, and sometimes with that deep sentiment that makes a catch in your
throat and moistens your eyes.