Karl Davis and
Hartford Taylor, the Renfro Valley Boys, were boyhood pals who secretly practiced
on the guitar and mandolin until they considered themselves expert enough to appear
in public. Both were born and reared near Mt. Vernon, Kentucky. Karl is a tall,
lanky, good- natured boy who'd give you his last dollar if you needed it. He is
the only bachelor of the crew. As for "Harty," he has a help-mate and
they're mighty proud of little Betty Taylor, age 2.
The clown of the Ridge Runners is Homer ("Slim") Miller, rated as one
of America's best old-time fiddlers. He's usually trying to play a joke on one
of his partners or making faces at the control room. Indianapolis is "Slim's"
home town. The Millers have a dandy little girl, Betty, age 6.
John Lair is manager of this group and announces their Saturday night programs,
often playing the jug with them. Mt. Vernon, Kentucky, is his home town but he
has lived in Chicago for several years. Mr. and Mrs. Lair are the parents of Ann,
a pretty little miss of 4 years |