The Orchestra...
The WLS Orchestra,
under the direction of Herman Felber, Jr., shown at the left, is a group of the
finest musicians in Chicago.
Every member is a distinguished soloist.
Herman's violin
is a historic old instrument valued at $25,000. Of course, it isn't the fiddle
that counts, so much as the fiddler, and Herman can make the crudest old instrument
yield rich melody. |
Stirring marches,
dreamy melodies with Theodore DuMoulin leading with the cello, the mellow tones
of the wood-winds, the sweetness of strings, all may be heard from this talented
serious, playing an excerpt from a great opera, sometimes gay, as in The Skipper
of Toonerville or Drumology, they are always expert. |
The group at the
right is The Little German Band, which has specialized in playing music brought
in old books from Germany; and possessed by no one else in this country.
This picture
was taken in the famous "cornstalk" studio in Prairie Farmer Building,
just one minute before they started a Dinnerbell Program. |
At the left, Oscar
Tengblad and Walter Steindel must quit their checker game as Gary Vogt calls them
for a program. |
or suggestions? click
here to send them to Rich Samuels
Created by
Rich Samuels (e-mail to