Live from Studio D
to the
"Empire Builders" Broadcast of December 22nd, 1930 and January 5th,
note: These
two broadcasts survive in the form of air-checks of the signal of Chicago's KYW,
owned by Westinghouse and operated by the Chicago Herald and Examiner, a Hearst
newspaper (NBC had yet to purchase its own Chicago stations). The sound quality
is less than perfect. The broadcasts were recorded on aluminum disks at 78 rpm.
I've attempted to clean up the audio with maximum intelligibility as my goal.
Though fidelity is lacking, the talents of those who produced this show are clearly
evident. They are among the earliest surviving examples of network radio dramatic
productions. Enjoy! |
"Empire Builders": December 22nd, 1930
A young crippled
orphan girl melts the heart of a self-absorbed bachelor just in time for a happy
ending on Christmas day. Featured in the cast are Harvey Hayes, Lucille Husting,
Bernadine Flynn, Betty White and Bob White. Ted Peason is the announcer.Weak on
plot, but great sound effects, musical bridges and audio mixing.
- Segment
1 (runs 5:27): Following the show open, announcer Ted Pearson delivers the
first Great Northern commercial, describing the wonders of the "Empire Builder's"
three-day, three night journey between Chicago and the Pacific Northwest. The
drama begins aboard the "Empire Builder" somewhere between Spokane and
Portland where the Great Northern route follows the course of the Columbia River
and the adjacent Columbia River Highway. Passenger Virginia Monhahan enounters
the "Old Timer" who tells her the story of a bad accident on the highway
that had a happy ending.
- Segment
2 (runs 4:14): Steven Burroughs, a wealthy bachelor, cracks up his car while
attempting to negotiate a Columbia River Highway curve. The accident leaves him
unconscious with many broken bones. He awakens several days later in a Portland
hospital where the doctor tells him he can expect a two-month stay, most of it
in a wheel chair.
- Segment
3 (runs 9:41): In the sun room on the hospital's roof, Burroughs encounters
a ten-year-old named Ann. She is in periodic pain, the result of an accident eight
years before that killed both her parents and left her severely injured. Since
the death of her parents she's lived in the hospital where her aunt is an administrator.
But she confides to Burroughs that her most fervent wish is to live in a real
house. Burroughs, immediately struck by the little girl's misfortune, tells her
she can call him "Uncle Steven".
- Segment
(runs 3:16): Time passes. One day "Uncle Steven", who has gotten into
the habit of giving Ann a daily bouquet of roses, announces that he is cured and
must leave. But he promises Ann that he will return. Ann is distraught at his
- Segment
5 (runs 5:58): It's Christmas day. Ann is depressed by the absence of "Uncle
Steven". A Christmas gift he's sent her fails to cheer her up. Suddenly "Uncle
Steven" appears to the great joy of Ann. He asks her to look through a pair
of binoculars at a large house on a distant mountain. He tells Ann that he's adopted
her and that the house will be her new home. The "Empire Builders" crew
wishes the audience a merry Christmas and the broadcast ends. A KYW station break
concludes the air-check.
"Empire Builders": January 5th, 1931
The Great Depression
is over! That's the message of this "Empire Builders" episode. True,
history proves that the greatest economic crisis of the 20th century was only
gathering steam on January 5th, 1931 when this broadcast aired on NBC's Blue Network.
But it's a remarkable show nonetheless, with a fascinating mixture of populism,
feminism, elaborate live sound effects, musical interludes, a great script and
competent acting.
- Segment
1 (runs 9:10): Announcer Ted Pearson opens the show (unfortunately he's slightly
upcut). The opening musical theme segues into a remarkable steam train sound effects
sequence (including an actual engine whistle blown from the Merchandise Mart roof
by a technician cued by a flashing light). Pearson reads the opening Great Northern
Railway commercial over the continuing musical theme. More train sound effects...and
the drama begins.
Aboard the Empire Builder, the Great Northern's premier limited connecting Chicago
and the Pacific Northwest, the broadcast's continuing character, the "Old
Timer" (played by Harvey Hayes), encounters Bert Pond (played by Bob White),
a friend of many years. Pond, a misanthropic bachelor who owns a large mill, is
on his way to corporate headquarters to fire his nephew Jim, manager of the operation.
Jim has not only refused to implement Pond's orders to fire half the staff on
account of the economic downturn; he's sent his uncle an insulting telegram as
well. Pond is also upset because he's learned Jim is keeping company with a social
worker by the name of Laura Gray. The Old Timer asks to be excused. He knows
Laura Gray. He also knows that Laura Gray is also aboard the Empire Builder! The
Old Timer begins to forsee a course of action that will save not only Jim's job
but the jobs of those Pond wishes to layoff. He sets off in search of Laura Gray.
- Segment
2 (runs 5:58): A musical bridge follows more chortling by the Old Timer. Meanwhile,
the Empire Builder has briefly stopped in Libby, Montana. A distraught mother
(played by Bernadine Flynn who, in a few years, would be playing "Sade"
on the legendary "Vic and Sade" show) enters the train and asks Bert
Pond to hold her infant daughter (played by Betty White) for a moment. The mother
disappears, obviously having abandoned her child. The perplexed Pond wonders what
to do as the train pulls out of the station. The scene shifts to another car of
the Empire Builder where the Old Timer has found Laura Gray, the social worker
and fiancee of Pond's nephew Jim. Laura confesses to the Old Timer that she
was behind Jim's refusal to fire the workers at Pond's mill. A porter appears,
looking for the Old Timer. Pond, totally unable to deal with the infant, needs
his help. The Old Timer sets out for Pond's car.
- Segment
3 (runs 4:24): A comedic interlude. The Old Timer discovers that the baby
ceases crying only when she's grabbing Pond's nose. The infant breaks Pond's pocket
watch and then has the inevitable accident. Pond, of course, has no idea how to
deal with any of this. The Old Timer tells Pond he knows of someone on
the train who can straighten things out immediately: Laura Gray! The Old Timer
runs to fetch her a the ever-more-perplexed Pond realizes there's about to be
a significant confrontation.
- Segment
4 (runs 9:02): The resolution. Laura Gray (aided by the Empire Builder nurse)
changes the baby's diapers and lays a populist rap on Bert Pond that proves, in
the sequel, that the powers of a social worker trump those of a captain of industry.
The upshot: Bert Pond decides that instead of downsizing he will hire more
workers, including Laura Gray as his efficiency expert. Laura announces she
and Pond's newphew Jim will adopt the abandoned baby. A vocal trio sings "Cheer
up, good times are coming" at breakneck speed (perhaps because the broadcast
is running long). Announcer Ted Pearson reads the closing commercial over the
second chorus. "The Great Northern Railway faces this year of 1931 with confidence,"
Pearson proclaims as the audio engineer brings the orchestra up full. Closing
credits and signoff. No chimes. Station break by the KYW announcer who, because
"Empire Builders" left the air late, is overridden by the automatic
hourly time signal.
1931 was a bad
year for the Great Northern Railway. Passenger traffic declined to a little over
a million, compared to 8.5 million in 1920. Roughly a month after this January
5th broadcast, the Great Northern discontinued its "Oriental Limited",
one of its crack passenger trains. In June it pulled the plug on "Empire
But good times were coming for NBC's Merchandise Mart studios. Click
here if you have doubts. |
to the "Empire Builders" page
or suggestions? click
here to send them to Rich Samuels
by Rich Samuels (e-mail to